BB Squat (both back squat and front squat) Not only will this improve your lower body strength but it will build up your core, stability, and joints. Quality over quantity when it comes to strength training. BB Bench press (both incline press and flat press) This will improve your upper body horizontal strength. It is great for working the stability in your shoulder and ROM in your chest. Again quality over quantity when it comes to strength training. Pull ups (weighted if possible) This is a true test of your upper body vertical pull strength. Not only will it improve your back, biceps, core and shoulders but it will improve your grip strength, body control, and your posture. DB single arm bent over row Great for building your horizontal rowing strength. This will stabilize your back and workout any muscular imbalances. It will test your core stability and help improve posture. BB RDL or Trap bar RDL (either one works just fine) This movement will work our hinge strength and work our posterior chain. This is a very underutilized movement. This will help us target our hamstrings, glutes, lower back stability and balance. It is so important to practice hinge movement patterns when it comes to building lower body strength. It will help with injury prevention as well. BB over head shoulder press This movement pattern will work our upper body vertical press strength. It will work our shoulders, triceps, and traps. It will work core stability and balance. Very effective for pressing power and ability. BB lunges (DB is fine too) (reverse, lateral, and forward lunges) This movement pattern is great because we can work both the Sagittal and frontal plane. It will test your lower body strength (quads, glutes, and hamstrings) while working your balance and core stability. Dips (weighted if possible) This movement pattern will work our lower chest in specific. It will work our triceps and shoulders. This will test your shoulder ROM and build stability in the joint when performed correctly. Take your time with it and work quality reps over quantity.
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