1. If you are pregnant, know what the laws are for your state. Discuss with your provider what your options would be. Know your rights. It's far easier to be proactive than reactive. If you do not wish to be pregnant, have a plan for birth control and a plan for if your birth control fails. As we know there has been a massive attack on our reproductive rights so being as informed and prepared as possible is controlling the controllable. 2. We are playing the long game here and will need to treat this as such. For me that's baking, gardening and exercise. Find whatever those things are for you that fills up your cup because you need it to stay engaged. That can also mean taking breaks when you need to, too. This is easier said than done for us moms but we have to take care of ourselves in whatever increments we find. Burnt out women become disengaged and that's how they keep us down. 3. We know they thrive on creating chaos. As a part of the resistance, we will not participate. We will be as prepared as possible. 4. Find community. For me this looks like my local democratic committee and @momsdemand chapter. Could be a book club or another grassroots organization. Surrounding myself with likeminded people in these spaces give me the hope I need and help me to stay engaged. 5. This community is amazing. The advocacy that happens here truly phenomenal. And also real change happens offline, too. Having hard conversations in real life with people you already know and trust is the thing that helps move the needle.
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