Just waiting for all the hate.... but that's what these conversations are for- talking about different perspectives. And no I'm not lying about any of my info I've been eating about 5k for 3 years. Firstly, I do think calories matter AND I also believe micronutrients and chemicals (ingredients/nutritional make up) matter. I think I'll drop weight prepping for a bodybuilding show by cutting some calories and manipulating macros because I am metabolically healthy and eating the right foods, therefore able to partition energy effectively. However, most people have not been eating extremely healthy for over 6 years now like I have or are metabolically healthy in general. And there's certainly a way for everyone to lose fat by manipulating their nutrition and fitness habits. I do have a hard time buying that all edible chemicals have the exact same effect on all other biochemicals, hormones, enzymes, cells, and cell metabolic processes. I don't want anyone to start overeating anythin either. You can lose weight by undereating junk food, but not sustainably and also to the detrement of your health and metabolism. My clients and myself (and tens of thousands of others) have found eating real unprocessed food allows them to eat more without gaining weight, and in most cases, lose weight. The type of foods and macronutritnes also matter. I view nutrition more about correcting your cell metabolism and hormonal profile more than starving yourself in a strategic manner. Also, nutrition labels are only plus or minus 20% accurate in estimating the caloric content of a food. Tracking calories and macronutrients can be and is useful I've found. Traditional dieting has yielded all of my clients, before doing my nutrition program, uncontrollable hunger and not great or lasting results.
#nutrition #weightloss #starving #metabolism #loseweight #fatloss #calories #fitness #health #macros