Men, if you love your daughters and show them their worth, they will never settle for less than they deserve. Too many women don’t know the value they carry because they didn’t have fathers who set the right example. But you have the power to change that. Speak life into your daughters. Guide them mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. Provide them with the love, support, and wisdom they need to grow into strong, confident women who understand their worth. When you raise the bar and set high standards, you equip your daughter with the tools to recognize her value—and she’ll never settle for a man who doesn’t treat her with the respect and love she deserves. Fathers, you are the first man she will ever love. Lead with love, strength, and wisdom, and watch her shine. If your fathers didn’t teach you, I am! NDBA No Dusty Bums Allowed!
#Fatherhood #RaiseHerRight #DaughtersDeserveTheBest #LeadByExample #LoveAndGuidance #ministeryahdanyada #yadaawakening #sufism #yada #NDBA