Do you experience daily dizziness, and you have stiffness or pain in your neck? Have you also been to all sorts of doctors and they tell you the tests are negative and you don’t have a vestibular issue? Or maybe you do have a vestibular issue that should’ve went away ? Well, there are three parts to the vestibular system, which includes vision, inner ear and proprioception. Proprioception means there are receptors in your tissues that tell you where your body part is moving in space. When this information is erroneous, due to restrictions in conversations, it sends miss information to the brain causes dizziness. Very commonly, we find that the neck is a large part of dizziness issues, especially with all the traditional vestibular treatments or tests by your ENT neurologist and other doctors come back negative. Typically this feels like persistent, ongoing discomfort versus big, dizzy events, that the debilitate your day. Instead, it’s just an ongoing discomfort, that impacts quality of life. In this video, I show a simple strategy to release upper cervical restrictions that can lead to cervicogenic dizziness. So try out it out and…
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