Do you experience daily dizziness, and you have stiffness or pain in your neck? Have you also been to ENTs, neurologists, the eye doctor, vertigo specialists for BPPV treatments and had all sorts of text but everything comes back ‘normal’ and nothing works? Well, there are three parts to the vestibular system, which includes vision, inner ear and proprioception. Proprioception means there are receptors in your tissues that tell you where your body part is moving in space. When this information is erroneous, it sends mis-information to the brain causing dizziness. When it comes to the SCM or sternocleidomastoid muscle, there are two major implications when it comes to dizziness… 1.) The SCM or sternocleidomastoid is very rich in mechanical receptor activity because of the muscle controls head movement in so many directions, including extension, rotation, flexion and sidebend… so when there is dysfunction in the muscle, the vestibular system gets confused as to where the head is in space. 2.) When the SCM is in spasm (or tight), it can cause compression in the upper cervical region, which also impacts mechanical receptors there as well as can compress structures which directly leads to dizziness. 🚨The solution is twofold: 👉🏽 Solution 1.) We need to normalize the health of that muscle, the SCM by stretching, releasing and activating it properly. (AS SHOWN IN THIS VIDEO) 👉🏽Solution 2.) We have to figure out why it got tight in the first place? Is it overcompensating for some thing else? Is there a TMJ disorder at play? Is there a neck, shoulder, posture or lifestyle issue that’s causing this?
#dizziness #vertigo #bppv #dizzinessrelief #headacherelief #migraine #vestibularmigraine #ent #dentistry #neurologist