FREE programs inside 👀 Wonder why you’re: Not gaining strength? Not able to lift heavier loads? Not seeing muscle mass growth? Not getting ‘toned?’ Circuit training, HIIT, & combo moves aren’t going to cut it for strength-based OR muscle growth benefits 👀 Now, before you come for me, a well-rounded program is going to include ALL aspects of training — strength, cardio, plyos, muscle growth, etc. The problem is that most women have been conditioned to only focus on circuit training, group exercise classes, HIIT, & combo moves. We are often influenced to stay on the cardio deck or in the corner of the gym using lightweight dumbbells on a yoga mat. Strength training boosts mental health, strengthens muscles, builds strong bones, preserves muscle mass, increases functional mobility, reduces cardiovascular disease, balances blood sugar levels, improves brain health, enhances mobility and flexibility, protects joints, reduces fall risk, improves quality of life, and makes you feel like a badass — why wouldn’t you want to lift some weights after reading that?! TRUE strength training requires lower rep ranges, longer rest breaks, lifting til you have a couple reps left in the tank, & actually LOADING your body. These means no squats to bicep curls with 5 lb dumbbells. Save your circuit training and group fitness classes for a couple days per week. Then do strength-focused workouts for the other couple days per week. Obviously, SOME exercise is better than NO exercise, but I’m on a mission to get more women under some damn load 😎 Because I know just how much it can change your life. Are you incorporating actual strength training in your programming? Lmk in the comments! @paragonfitwear leggings & sports bras — SUSIE10
#strengthtrainingforwomen #womenwholiftheavy #workoutprograms #fitnessforwomen #fitnessforbeginners