Your money is meant to be spent. 💸 ⏰💪 You put time, effort, and energy into earning money. You deserve to spend it in a way that is aligned with your priorities and the life you want to live. ✨ Does that mean spending every dollar of every paycheck before the next one arrives? Of course not. Some of your spending will happen this week. Some next month. Some far into the future. 🔮 The important part is, you decide how you want to spend it BEFORE the spending even happens. Whether it's bills, vacation, a peppermint latte, or retirement, each of your dollars should have a specific job. 🏝️ ☕️ No guesswork. No stress. You have peace of mind knowing exactly what you're spending your money on, now or in the future. 😌 So make an intentional plan for your money, and then SPEND IT, guilt-free! That's spendfulness. 💸
#ynab #spendfulness