E.I.G.H.T.E.E.N really FAST years!!! Take the pictures, they’re only little for so long. As MUCH as I miss my girl being little, I’m loving this new stage of our relationship. I still believe I’m too young to have an adult kid but hey, I’ll just be able to love her longer ❤️ #myheart#mygirl#mommasgirl#tothestarsandback#tothemoonandback#alwaysandforever @Harley.Gilroy
I think im getting sappier in my old age. But IDGAF, you 3 are what I live for. I’d go to the ends of the earth just to make sure the 3 of you are happy and have everything you need in this life. After all, you all are the very reasons my heart beats on the outside. I love you guys so much. #tothemoonandback#tothestarsandback#alwaysandforever#WheneverWherever#myheartbeats#mywholeworld @Harley.Gilroy @Melissa @whitechocalte15
HOCO 2023 for ALL 3 of my kids this year. My Momma ❤️ is full seeing the smiles on them all and knowing they all had a great time. Can’t believe this was Harley’s last HOCO, Derek’s junior HOCO and Melissa’s first HOCO 🥰 #Homecoming#highschool#senior#junior#feshman#mywholeworld @Harley.Gilroy @Melissa @whitechocalte15