⭐️Follow for pregnancy | Birth | Postpartum education from a labor nurse & mama of 7! Setting boundaries with toxic people or situations can be difficult, but it is essential for your pregnant mama’s mental and emotional health. (and for after the baby comes! One way to set boundaries is to make it clear how you want to be treated—and then act accordingly when those boundaries are crossed. This could mean limiting your time with someone who doesn’t respect your feelings, refusing requests that don’t align with your values, or simply speaking up when something does not feel right. You can also practice self-care by engaging in activities such as exercise, yoga, or meditating regularly to calm yourself and boost your self-esteem. Try out these phrases next time: Unsolicited pregnancy advice: “Thanks for sharing, I know you are trying to help, but it is making me anxious.” Horror birth stories: Put up your hand for the sign stop 🛑, and say, “My partner and I are choosing to wait to hear other birth stories until after the baby comes, and then we share our stories together.” Personal questions: “We are not ready to share that yet.” Pushing their plans on you: “I’m not sure how I will feel about that, but I will let you know at that time.” Comment below and vent your feelings about toxic family members.
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