I share with you the recipe of the most delicious nut balls, they melt in your mouth 🤍 Recipe 👇👇👇 Ingredientes: •250 gr butter at room temperature •90 gr of regular sugar •1 tps almond extract •270 gr flour •1/2 teaspoon of salt •80 grams of walnuts in pieces Preparación: We first cream the butter until we get a uniform paste, add the sugar and essence, beat until integrated. We add flour and salt little by littleUntil we get a dough that does not stick in the hands, finally we incorporate the nuts until they are well integrated. We will make balls of approximately 11g each, we place them in a previously greased pan or on butter paper, taking care that there is at least 2 cm distance between them. With the oven previously heated to 175 ° C we will take the biscuits and wait 15 minutes or until slightly golden edges are noticed Fresh out of the oven sprinkle with glass sugar, let rest until cool and that's it, you have the most delicious nut balls you've ever tasted 🤍🤍
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