#duet with @dudeinthejeep_igy6
#veteran Thank you for taking the time and effort to put this together Scrappy! You are a true brother to do so and HONOR PFC Eric Ward & his AMAZING parents Kendra & Brian of @4WARD Project 🇺🇸 ; I’m telling you Kendra & Brian, this guy is my TWIN, he has a HEART that was built the SAME AS MINE! I cannot wait to bring you all together at some point, cuz you know
#connecting is what I do 🥹… We love you both so much and we will NEVER FORGET ERIC; He will be HONORED until we take our final breaths’… 22 A Day MUST END! There is life, light, purpose & LOVE to be discovered on this journey; if you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out to someone, seek the help; I have been there, I nearly became a statistic at more than one point in my past; BUT, I knew in my heart I was not meant to leave this world by my own hand, so I sought the help, & now I’m still here! Still growing, still learning, still finding light in the smallest of moments, still finding things I could’ve never experienced or even imagined experiencing back when I had the thoughts of ending my life… Like that of the
#unconditionallove my amazing fiancé @Caitlin_brown provides me each and every day that I would have never even known about had I taken my own life back when I had planned to; hell, I wouldn’t have even met or known of her existence and now we’re inseparable! The simple fact is unless you’re here, you’ll NEVER KNOW what you could’ve experienced; if you’re not here to do so… THIS LIFE CAN CHANGE ON A DIME, and while most say things of that nature to describe the bad things that can happen; It HOLDS JUST AS TRUE FOR THE AMAZING & UNIMAGINABLE BLESSINGS GOD CAN BESTOW UPON YOU IF YOU CONTINUE TO FIGHT! I promise you it’s worth it… I still have my struggles, but with the Peace my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ provides my heart, and the connections I make, exactly like that of the day in this video with Scrappy, (aka dudeinthejeep), & @amarokcritton, both my BROTHERS who I would DIE FOR TOMORROW, this is what it’s all about! We fought AS ONE, in the military, we can STILL DO SO OUT HERE! Should you be struggling and need to talk to someone immediately, please call the National Crisis Line at 9-8-8 , God bless you all! KEEP MOVING FORWARD & NEVER STOP FIGHTING! Semper Avante; ALWAYS FORWARD!
#end22aday #veterans #keepmovingforward #coopnmike