How I am maintaining my post menopause weight. Do not do high intensity workouts because it would put stress on the hormones and raise your cortisol. Do low impact workouts instead. Eat at least 20-30 grams of protein per meal, aiming for at least 120g each day. Drink enough water 1/2 your body weight in ounces. Walk at least 7,500 steps a day. Get at least 7-9 hours of sleep. Do a metabolic reset to jumpstart your metabolism and create momentum towards your transformation goal, supplementing your body with nutraceutical minerals and nutrients along with an easy to follow free nutrition plan. You will experience energy improvement in bloat, puffiness and inflammation gone. A healthy glow to your skin . Decreased in body fat and unwanted inches. Acountibility Community High quality nutrition. Meal plan. Healthy recipes. Nutraceutical supplements. Feeling amaziness. Drop Reset to get started, must follow or I won’t be able to reach you.
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