Carl graduated with his first guide dog, Nadia, in Spring 2024. Within just two weeks, their bond changed Carl’s life, giving him greater confidence and independence. This holiday season, help us create more partnerships like Carl and Nadia’s in 2025 so more individuals can live without boundaries®. Every donation will be DOUBLED up to $100,000 for a limited time, thanks to Michael Rose and the Foglia Family Foundation. Don’t miss this opportunity. Tap the link in our bio and make your year-end gift to the Guide Dog Foundation today. 💙🦮 VD: The video opens with Carl sitting outside on a warm spring day with his new guide dog, Nadia, a beautiful black Lab. While Carl speaks to the off-screen interviewer, we see clips from their training journey. In the first clip, Carl meets Nadia for the very first time at the Guide Dog Foundation’s national headquarters. Nadia wags her tail and enjoys the affection as Carl pets her, showing how happy they both are to be together. The next clip shows Carl and Nadia taking their first walk as a team under the guidance of Guide Dog Mobility Instructor (GDMI) Lauren, showing how far they have come together. In the final clip, Carl and Nadia walk outside along a street while GDMI Jody E. watches them.
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