🧠 Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that leads to muscle weakness and comes from the words “grave/severe” and “muscle weakness.” ⭐️ At the neuromuscular junction, motor neurons connect to muscles, releasing acetylcholine (ACH), a neurotransmitter essential for muscle contraction. In myasthenia gravis, ACH receptors are blocked, which prevents muscles from receiving the signal needed for contraction, leading to muscle weakness. Risk Factors 🟢 Women under 40, men over 60 🟢 Autoimmune disorders 🟢 Thymoma (a tumor on the thymus) — can cause excess antibody production Symptoms to Know ➡️ Diplopia (double vision) ➡️ Ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid) ➡️ Mask-like expression due to facial weakness ➡️ Dysarthria (difficulty speaking) ➡️ Difficulty chewing ➡️ Fatigue that gets worse throughout the day ➡️ Shortness of breath ➡️ Descending weakness (starting in the face and progressing downward) 💬 Comment below if this was helpful and share with a fellow nursing student!
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