I can’t help but laugh when I look back at my early attempts to grow nasturtium. Now, it’s everywhere in my garden, and I’m always excited to see those little lily pad-like seedlings popping up. Unlike many plants that have specific water and care needs, nasturtium thrives with minimal attention and even a bit of neglect. This hardy plant is perfect for beginner gardeners—easy to grow and low-maintenance. Native to South America, it made its way to Europe about 500 years ago and has spread worldwide. Nasturtium makes an excellent ground cover and adds beauty to hanging baskets, like those seen at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, nasturtium offers a peppery, edible green for salads, and its vibrant flowers are a perfect finishing touch for fresh dishes. The best part? By the end of the season, it will drop seeds that will naturally sprout when the conditions are right. For beginners, simply soak the seeds for a few hours (but no more than eight), then sow them about an inch deep and 10 inches apart. I haven’t had to plant a single seed in years—nasturtium just keeps coming back!
#nasturtium #nasturtiumflowers #organicgardening #gardentotable #gardeningforbeginners #easygardening