One of the reasons you haven’t not unlocked full planche yet is you haven’t fully realized how consistent and how much volume you need to have. The thing that separates advanced skills like full planche, and others from the intermediate skills is that it’s basically impossible to unlock these skills without directly training for them. Some skills like human flag or handstand push-up you may be able to unlock with minimal direct training and unlock it from practicing other skills or training. You need as much volume as possible and I’m about to make up numbers arbitrarily but this is to highlight the idea. Imagine for a moment it takes 10 days to unlock a skill. Every day you train is +1 to your progress. If you do 1 hard, correct training session every day, you will unlock it in the normal 10 days. Now let’s say you work it every other day. If you aren’t training everyday you will lose progress. So everyday you don’t train, subtract 0.5. So now it’s not that it takes you 20 days to go from 0 to 10, because you got -0.5 everyday you didn’t train, after 20 days you are really only at 5.5 out of 10. So essentially in twice the amount of time you processed barely half as much. Which realistically means it’s gonna take you almost 4X as long to unlock that skill. And now imagine how much worse if you only do once every 3 days? And so on. It’s not just 1 day worked = 1 day stronger. You need to have your progress compound. The more days you wait in between trainings to more total days you will have to train. Not every training has to be your best one. If you only have 60% in your tank but give that whole 60%, that means you did 100% of what you could. This includes if you can get more than one training in a day. If possible one in the morning and night will increase your progress even if the second session you feel much weaker. It’s very difficult to “over train” in calisthenics. Don’t be afraid to train more frequently. Even if you can just do another 30 minute session at home in your room, those extra sessions that keep your body and mind in the groove will be profound for your progress.
#gym #motivation #workout #planche #calisthenics #fyp