American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) advises a woman to continue or START(yes start) 👀 a regular exercise routine. CONTRARY to popular belief👉🏼Running, jumping , and exercising is not correlated with miscarriage in ANY research. So yes you can also start a new routine while pregnant. ACOG also states: “The principles of exercise prescription for pregnant women do not differ from those for the general population.” HEYOOOOO THIS. 👏🏼RIGHT👏🏼. HERE 👏🏼 we aren’t broken ladies KEEP your bodies moving. And You SHOULD to help with aches and pains in third trimester That being said you can do 30-60 mins of moderate intensity to even higher levels of intensity based on your fitness level, safely! Aka lifting and cardio including running, HIIT, spin classes, etc. ✨One thing I started this pregnancy that I DIDNT do my first, was labor interval training. AKA preparing for labor and delivery, because that 💩 is the BIGGEST workout youll ever do. Trust me😅 Im a firm believer I had quick labor and deliveries AND recovery postponed or both my pregnancies because I worked out my entire pregnancies. So on our daily walks I started doing run/walk intervals to mimic contractions to prepare💪🏻 now was I running MILES?! No. Maybe 2 tops. With rest in between.
STEAL MY INTERVALS 👉🏼For a 20-30 minute walk/run
Base pace 1 minute (walk/speed walk)
Jog pace at 50/60% for 1 minute
Jog pick up pace to 70 for 1 minute
Rest 30 seconds
repeat 3 times
If you need extra time to catch you’re breath DO THAT.
Then rinse and repeat.
Also If you’re looking to move without running 😉
my ALL TRIMESTER TRAINING BUNDLE is linked in my bio! 💪🏻 minimal equipment required and can be modified to YOU! Lets chat if you’re interested🤗
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