SMITH MACHINE INCLINE BENCH TIPS ⏬ 1.) Take your time to set up the bench so that the bar lands on a comfortable place on your chest. Anywhere from mid-chest to close to the clavicles is good, so long as you feel strong, your pecs feel it, and your shoulders are happy. 2.) Control the bar on the descent. The eccentric phase is really stimulative of muscle growth, so don’t miss out! 3.) You can pause on the chest or touch and go, but either way, be gentle and slow the bar down with your muscles… no bouncing! 4.) Grip width is very much your choice. Play around with shoulder width and slightly wider to see which grip both seems to stretch your pecs the most and is kindest to your shoulder joints. You can switch from wider to narrower every few months, so no need to pick a permanent winner.
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