Some of my clients experience back pain when performing a traditional squat. This is a common issue that can stem from poor mobility, technique, or muscle imbalances. To help them continue training effectively and safely, I consulted with @DrJohnny_, and he shared three key strategies for mitigating that pain: 1️⃣ Switch to a Front-Loaded Squat – front squats shift the barbell’s load from the back to the front of the body, placing more emphasis on the quads while reducing stress on the lower back. This adjustment encourages an upright torso, which minimizes spinal compression and the risk of rounding in the lower back. For clients with back pain, front squats can be a game-changer, allowing them to strengthen their legs without exacerbating discomfort. 2️⃣ Heel-Elevated Back Squat – by elevating the heels (using wedges or small plates), the ankle range of motion required for squats is reduced, allowing clients to maintain better posture and depth without compensating through their lower back. This adjustment also increases quad activation, taking pressure off the posterior chain. Heel elevation can make squatting more comfortable and effective for those with tight calves, restricted ankle mobility, or lumbar issues. 3️⃣ Stabilize the Hip Complex Before Lifting – activating the glutes and hip stabilizers before squatting helps ensure proper movement mechanics and reduces compensatory patterns that strain the lower back. A great pre-squat activation drill is placing a resistance band around the ankles and performing abduction exercises, such as lateral band walks or standing banded hip abductions. This pre-activation primes the hip complex to stay engaged during squats, improving form and protecting the back from undue strain. Remember, pain is often a signal from the body that something isn’t moving as it should. With these modifications, clients can continue to squat safely and work towards their strength goals without aggravating their lower back.
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