Do you experience ear pain, ear aches, ear ringing, pressure, fullness in the ear? Have you been to the ENT, audiologist, neurologist… And all the doctor say nothing’s wrong? Well, this all increases the likelihood that it’s a TMJ disorder. You see the TMJ butts right up against the ear canal and can cause many ear symptoms. If you also experience any type of jaw discomfort, even neck pain or headaches, it could increase the likelihood this is a jaw issue. In this video, I discuss a quick assessment you can complete to identify if this is a temporomandibular disorder. The final question asked if any of the following make the symptoms BETTER or WORSE. What that means is that if any of the movements describe impact in any way to make you feel better, or to make you feel worse that still means it can be a TMJ issue because movement of the JAW impacts your symptoms, and that’s the bottom line.
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