Picture this: It's your weekly Tuesday night power yoga class. 🧘♀️ You're about 20 minutes into class when your teacher says, "If Crow pose is in your practice, take it now." With joy, you catch your Crow. You're feeling awesome, holding a stable and sturdy Crow pose. Then, your yoga teacher says, "If you're in Crow pose, feel free to jumpback." Wait. What?! 😳 You’ve never tried that before, and your teacher offers no cues or instructions. You go for it anyway… but your knees feel glued to your arms, your feet don’t budge, and everything feels HEAVY AF. If you can relate, here's what you need to know about this transition. Nailing your jumpback from Crow is about trust, speed, your breath, and following these specific orders of operations👇 🔥 From Crow pose, extend your spine forward as if you're coming into baby cobra in your upper back. Think heart forward, spine long. 🔥 Take a big inhale. 🔥 As you exhale, make a powerful "HUH" and see if you can land your knees between your hands to start. If you're worried about landing on your kneecaps, you can pad your space with something soft to protect your knees. Start small at first, and each time you practice, aim to land a little farther back. With time and practice, your trust will build, and eventually, you'll be able to land with your legs fully extended in Chaturanga. If you're ready to make insane progress in your arm balance practice, I break down everything you need in my FREE Arm Balance Masterclass. You'll learn the nitty-gritty details and step-by-step mechanics you need to unlock balance and transition seamlessly between poses without years of practice or hours of core work. 🔴 Click the l!nk in my b!o to grab it! . . .
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