Part 126 | Fuel. Your. Body. Nutrition comes first! *Every day won’t look like this, but do your best to get those meals in.* The key is eating clean whole foods—sticking to fresh, natural items like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, while cutting back on sugary, processed, and artificial foods! Details ⬇️ Breakfast: Sourdough with almond butter & jelly, plus 2 eggs Snack: Bowl of pineapple Post-Workout: Smoothie Lunch: Tuna sandwich + 2 boiled eggs Snack: Non-dairy yogurt parfait with almonds, granola, and strawberries Dinner: Honey jerk chicken + butter noodles And last but not least, peppermint tea every morning and night! Thank me later Guides in b!0 💞 #