Make tuna salad & sweet potatoes with me! This gives you a good balance of healthy fats, protein, and carbs, plus of course plenty of vitamins. I always keep some baked sweet potatoes in the fridge, but if you don’t (or don’t want to plan that far ahead) you can use canned. Ingredients (Serves 1-2): -1 can wild tuna or salmon -1 Tbsp oil mayonnaise (my recipe is here: @Why Not Natural | Supplements ) -2 stalks celery, sliced thinly -1 pickle (I use fermented pickles), minced -Spices (about 1/4 tsp each) paprika, garlic, cayenne pepper) plus salt and pepper to taste -2 baked sweet potatoes -Sriracha (I like Yellowbird) Throw everything but the sweet potato together in a bowl, stir to combine. Cut and mash sweet potatoes and add half mixture to each. Give a generous drizzle of sriracha!
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