Let me explain ⬇️ First, comment the word "metabolism" down below if you want to learn how you can eat more and speed up your metabolism again, I'll add you to my Metabolism Mastermind group chat. 🤩 your body operates on a clock, if you train it to expect food every 2-4 hrs, it will respond!!⏰ waking up hungry is an AMAZING sign of a fast metabolism. If you traing your body to expect food within an hour of waking up, you're trianing your metabolism to speed up as well, because you're training your body to expect more food. BUT if you wait until you're absolutely starving to eat, you're most likely going to over eat. If you're trying to learn how to eat more mindfully and feel in control around food, it's pretty hard to do that when your stomach is yelling at you. 🤪😇
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