When you have POTS, presyncope and syncope can be difficult symptoms to manage. Presyncope is when you feel like you’re about to pass out but you don’t actually pass out, while syncope refers to when someone actually fully passes out and loses consciousness. This video is to show how varying these symptoms can be day to day and person to person. Some people with POTS have very mild symptoms and may only get slightly dizzy or tunnel vision when standing, while others can be much more severe and struggle to even switch positions without passing out. I hope this gives some insight into what presyncope and syncope can look like when you have POTS 🙌
#pots #potssyndrome #potsawareness #posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome #dysautonomia #dysautonomiaawareness #dysautonomiapots #presyncope #syncope