Part 1: Womenβs health is completely overlooked in the UK. Women suffer from many auto immune conditions, with no current cures, and the majority of women who suffer from chronic pain are given creams, steriods, installations, hormone replacement therapy, and lots and lots of these things have eastrogen. Even low doses of eastrogen should not be given to women who have not had a whole hormone panel done!! Hormone panels have to be done a certain time within your cycle! Women suffer from many chronic illnesses that currently have no cure and outdated procedures for disgnosis, endometriosis for example. This is NOT ok, and something needs to be done.
#womenshealth #endometriosis #autoimmune #womensrights #pcos #thyroid #ic #uti #embeddeduti #pmdd #pms #womenshormones #hormonepanels #womenscare #ukgovernment