I accidentally lost 20 lbs this past year 𤯠That's right. Yes I'm fine, no I'm not I'll lol but I haven't tracked a single calorie or macro and haven't in years.. This weight loss isn't a bad thing - I've never been healthier or more fit! Let me explain what happened.. Last year I was dealing with depression and had quite a bit of stress in my life and it was all leading me to occasionally stress and emotionally eat. Except "occasionally" led to more consistent stress eating.. Daily! I knew it was happening and I knew it did not serve me, so I knew it was time to address it. So, what did I do to stop emotionally eating? I slowed the hell down and practiced mindful eating. I checked in with myself. I identified my feelings and environment and asked myself why, and if, I actually was hungry. If the hunger I was feeling wasn't physical, I'd track down the hunger I WAS feeling (usually stress, sadness, or loneliness), and then processed that feeling. I used the same strategies we teach our clients. If I WAS physically hungry, I'd eat the food, but not before putting a number to how hungry i was (1-10). I then ate it mindfully and would once again check in with myself during after after eating to make sure I was satisfied. What did this do? It made me more aware. Aware of my behavior towards food and the choices I made. It made me slow down. It allowed me to tune into my bodies hunger cues and listen to what I needed both in that moment and moving forward. And that's the power of mindful eating and knowing your body. As a result of taking control of my emotional and stress eating, I reduced the amount of calories I was eating, which put me into a calorie deficit. If you want to lose weight and struggle with stress and emotional eating, this is likely why you can't lose weight. If this is something you need help with, comment below to be added to the wait list for our upcoming 35 day Beat The Resolution Challenge! Matt
#mindfuleating #emotionaleatingsupport #stresseating #emotionaleating #mindfuleatingtips