PSA: you don’t NEED to periodize your training based on your period. Pun definitely intended. It’s common for some women to feel a little bit more fatigued during the late luteal phase of their cycle — the few days right before your period where some experience those PMS symptoms. However, despite what all the ‘hormone coaches’ claim online, you don’t actually have to change your training by only walking or doing yoga 2 weeks out of the month. This is a great way to make zero progress with your strength. Although hormones can influence training, there are way more important things in life that impact your performance — nutrition, stress, sleep, programming, recovery, etc. So instead of putting a pause on your strength gains, focus on these things FIRST: 1️⃣ Adjust your training based on how you FEEL by using RPE (rate of perceived exertion) during your workouts — aka listening to your body. Groundbreaking stuff, I know. Some women will be able to push hard, while others may feel more fatigued. 2️⃣ Make sure you’re getting enough FOOD, especially carbs, because, hello energy! Most women tend to under-eat thanks to diet culture. 3️⃣ Take the time to actually learn what’s happening in your body during each phase from reputable sources — knowledge is power. 4️⃣ Be sure you’re following a consistent program — how will you know if your performance changes if you’re just doing random workouts or taking 2 weeks out of the month off? If you’re looking for a high quality program that focuses on all the good stuff, join my group training membership, Supple Strength — try it FREE for 7 days. You have nothing to lose & everything to GAIN! Your period doesn’t make you a fragile snowflake — you’re a bad bitch 😎 Have you heard these blanket statements in regards to cycle syncing for training? Lmk in the comments! PS: go see a qualified professional for issues with your hormones, not some self-proclaimed coach 👀
#cyclesyncing #strengthtrainingforwomen #fitnessprograms #periodtalk #cycletraining #hormonebalancing #femalefitness #femalefitnesscoach #strengthandconditioning #mensturalcycle