❤️Grief isn’t just about death; loss accompanies breast cancer, chronic illness, relationship struggles, mental health issues, and yes, identity & self-worth, among others. If we don’t grieve our losses when they come we can get stuck in a place of depression, anxiety, fear, doubt, etc. 👉🏻And it only compounds things when those we try to turn to for support don’t know what to say, say hurtful things, or ignore us altogether. 👉🏻So for anyone wanting to be there for someone, try these 4 things. I’ve had enough loss and grief in my life to know they will help more than you know. 💕 I’ve worked with enough souls going through load and grief to know they need your love, care, understanding. 🫂 ❓If you have questions, please ask 👇🏻. What do you want others to know, say or do when it comes to grief support?
#lifeafterbreastcancer #breastcancerwarrior #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancermentalhealth #chronicillnesssupport #griefrecovery #griefandlosssupport #thisishowwegrow