After 20 years in private practice, here’s why I suggest couples NOT to go to counseling Obviously I believe in the value of therapy. Yet it can make things worse. Here’s why. A common couple coming to me for therapy, are both HURTING and their tanks are on EMPTY. Things have gotten bad enough that one partner drags them into counseling. Therapy begins! We expose the wounds. We begin the process of healing. 🥳 And these two worn out, hurting humans are pulled even deeper into their pain. Like a Dr. needing to clean out a wound before stitching it shut, this is necessary yet it HURTS LIKE HELL. Here’s the problem. Therapy Increases the pain, and then asks for more effort, from two people who are running on empty to begin with. The couple needs ways to REFILL THEIR TANKS so they can do the work of healing. To see this happen I give them a 30 day experience that is easy, focuses on making positive deposits into each person’s tank, and doesn’t take hours of time each week. For 30 days, they receive an activity via email that builds the relationship, takes about 10 minutes to accomplish, and leaves them both more connected, hopeful, and with energy to give to the process of healing. The good news is this 30 day journey will help ANY couple, whether you’re in therapy or not. It helps fill both of your tanks so you have more to give to the relationship. So whether your relationship is in crisis or you’re simply wanting to make a good relationship even better, this 30 day challenge will fill both your tanks and deepen your connection. If you want to change your relationship in 2025 see the link in my bio to learn more about this 30 day couples challenge. The sign up closes December 30. Sign up today.
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