Did you know that spontaneous labor is initiated by your baby’s lungs release a protein that produces hormones to begin labor contractions?! Only baby + God know when labor will begin. That’s why if there’s no medical need to induce or have a cesarean, you should let labor happen on its own. I see so many videos of people ready to evict their baby at 37 weeks saying they are just DONE being pregnant and I think if more people realized that trying to induce labor at home or before 40 weeks can cause unnecessary stress, can lead to higher risk of cesarean and also cause complications during labor and for the baby. 37 weeks is still early for their baby to be born. Even ACOG says 39 weeks is when a baby is considered full-term. The end of pregnancy is uncomfortable for most women. You ache everywhere, the pressure feels so intense on your pelvis, you’re SO ready to meet your baby and just want it be here already…I get it! I’m sure I’ll even feel same way 😂 But it’s not up to us to decide when baby comes. That’s part of the surrendering process. You have to surrender to mystery of birth. That’s part of what makes it so beautiful. When left undisturbed, birth can carry out with more ease. Your uterus is signaled to start contracting. Those contractions create also help create cervical change. Your movement and relaxation allows baby to move through the pelvis. You move through active labor, transition and begin to feel the intense pressure of your baby’s head getting ready to be birthed. You feel the ring of fire and using your breath, you allow the baby to stretch the tissues. The fetal ejection reflex takes over and you work with it to birth your baby. Baby is born with in a few contractions and you get to place baby on your chest. The skin to skin helps regulate baby’s temp and also boosts your oxytocin, encouraging the placenta to be birthed as well. There’s so much magic in the release of hormones to help us cope with the intensity of labor, that guide our baby earthside and even encourage our milk to come in. If you are able to birth without intervention for true medical need, please allow for everything to unfold in God’s timing✨
#pregnancy #thirdtrimester #firsttimemom #homebirth #naturalbirth #doula #rainbowbaby #pregnancyafterloss #ttc