Follow me on IG and DM me “PERSONAL BRAND CLARITY” and I’ll send you a link to my favorite framework so far! I heard a quote from a fellow corporate creator recently that I can’t get out of my head. He said, “whatever you do, if you make content about it, you will outperform the competition”. The people who get the promotions, raises, and opportunities aren't just good at their jobs - whether or not they’re actively posting on LinkedIn, they’ve mastered the story of WHY their work matters. Creating social media content is just a way to amplify that message even further. Because here’s what people about personal branding: It’s not about being the loudest, it’s about being clear on your value. Personal brands aren’t built on motivational quotes, but on strong perspectives earned through experience. Quick example: Instead of "I'm passionate about marketing," try "I believe most companies waste money on flashy campaigns when their customers are begging for simple clarity." See how that second one makes you lean in? This framework will help you: - Turn your experience into spicy takes worth sharing - Package your expertise so people actually give a shit - Stand out without being another LinkedIn guru - Build the authority that makes opportunities come to YOU Because your work is too dang good to get lost in the noise!! And stay tuned, because on day 5, we’re going through my FAVORITE strategy to translate your clarified personal brand strategy into a never-ending supply of content ideas. See ya soon!
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