Day 3 post op knee surgery with Plica removal & meniscectomy! More rehab/ physical therapy things! I’m SO lucky to have a loving mom in this field who is able to work with me as we rehab this knee! ❤️🩹 The focus right now as we continue to rehab is working on range of motion, reducing inflammation, and getting this quad to fire! It’s crazy how quickly you lose muscle..” if you don’t use it you lose it!” MAJOR FACTS Also, Movement is medicine 👏🏼 We aren’t sitting on the couch feeling sorry for ourself.. we are working and doin rehab to get better! Don’t let your injury / surgery /sickness be your set back, use it as your fuel to become better ♥️ Follow for more
#plicaremoval #plica #kneesurgrey #kneesurgeryrecovery #meniscussurgery #meniscustear #meniscusrepair #meniscectomy #postopsurgery