Imagine this ⬇️ 🎉Being 87 years old, told there was nothing you could do about your urine leakage, prolapse and orgasms were out of the question at this point…to wearing one pad a day just in case, urine leakage gone and having your first orgasm. 😢Sue poured urine and was told to do more Kegels and given a prescription. There was nothing else she could do at this point. She woke up 5-7 times a night, had a grade 4 prolapse (not a surgical candidate, had extreme urgency, made her own pads because she would go through 10-14 a day (the store bought pads were breaking down her skin causing terrible sore, pain and odor), and stopped doing all the things she loved doing because of her bladder leakage. 🎊After 9 months learning how to train her bladder, identified triggers in her diet, learned to hydrate, learned the products that would help her experience vulvar skin, how to hydrate for her body and do exercises that worked her symptoms went away. 🎉Sue is my oldest patient to date and one of the most resilient women I have met. She sleeps through the night, has pain free sex and orgasm(s), and doesn’t leak urine except on a very rare occasion. 👏75-85% of women who undergo pelvic floor rehabilitation experience a significant improvement or complete resolution of incontinence symptoms. 💃Now Sue enjoys Friday night dance lessons with her significant other, beach walks with her family, Zumba and a life free from pads. ❌I know you have been thinking about this and might think your body can’t do this. Look no further, I’m kind of an expert at this. I can show you the exact step-by-step method. ✅C0MMENT: DRY I will send you my free pelvic floor masterclass.
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