It really began to scare me when I began waking up every night to a tingling, pins-and-needles sensation in my hands. My hands would fall asleep, and my arms just felt restricted. It was as if the blood wasn't flowing properly. It became so consistent that I finally went to the doctor, who sent me to a cardiologist. For a week, he asked me to wear a heart monitor thinking something was wrong with my heart. When the results came back normal, I started to do some research. Here is what I learned... my issue was chronic stress. My body had been stuck in fight-or-flight mode for so long that it started to affect me physically. When we experience chronic stress, our bodies release cortisol and adrenaline, which are meant to help us in short-term emergencies. But when this response stays "on," it can wreak havoc. Stress can cause blood vessels to constrict, especially in the extremities, leading to numbness or tingling sensations. It can also keep your muscles in a constant state of tightness, compressing nerves and creating that "restricted" feeling. The sympathetic nervous system stays activated, amplifying physical discomfort and blocking the body's ability to repair itself. These sensations are your body's way of saying, "I need help!" Stress isn't just mental—it's deeply physical. So five years ago I started on a journey to get my body out of fight or flight, reverse anxiousness, and reduce stress by healing a wrecked nervous. As soon as I started focussing on supporting a wrecked nervous system, all my issues went away. The tingling in my hands, restriction in my arms, trouble swallowing, regained energy, started sleeping like a baby, lost 8 pounds, eliminated anxiousness, and stopped blacking out. Drop the word “story” in the comments below, I will send over to you exactly what I began taking (it’s natural with no side effects) to support my stress resilience. I needed a little extra help calming my body down. It's your turn to heal, my friend, because better days are ahead! Drop Story in the comments
#heartmonitor #cardiologist #anxiousheart #monitoringmyheart #heartmonitorcheck #wreckednervoussystem #anxiousnessbegone