Story time: My son has a ton of gut issues that affect his brain. His body's aversion to certain foods makes it almost impossible for us to find him sweets that are both clean AND tasty. Either the "clean candy" is literally a marketing ploy and isn't at all, or they taste nasty. So, I got to work - thinking I'd have a sweet he could eat in no time. Wellllll it took a lot longer to perfect the formula that included the right ingredients, the right flavor, and the right texture. 2 years later - we've done it!!! Launching on Feb. 1st, online-autoimmune, allergy, and gut friendly gummy candy that you don't have to worry about eating. Follow along for the ride! @pureyumscandy PS: 6 grams of protein and only 55 calories/bag 09
#personalgrowthjourney #entreprenuermindset #autoimmune #autoimmunedisease #entreprenuermindset #entreprenuerlife #cleancandy #candy #wellnessjourney #allergyfriendly #gutbrainconnection