#ptsd #fightorflight #freezeresponse #fawnresponse #fightflightfreezefawnresponses Did you have a fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response to the TikTok ban? @Penny L.A. Shepard @thenerdincharge @MeTooFamilyCourtOG @Tom Althouse @ShanaBanana @RubyDoobytoo @Harry Fisher @Amanda Joan of Heart ❤️ @Cynthia Zeoli @David Zublick @michaelfrancismusic Over sharing is under the fawning category in case you didn’t know. My initial goodbye was not actually over emotional so I’m proud of myself. I just left my contact info and said thank you. That’s very Libra rising of me. But, once I saw Tiktok back I immediately acted like Marilyn Monroe, so there’s that. But here I am stabilizing again, talking about #
#cptsdpost traumatic stress disorder and #
#traumarecovery I hope I can get my brain on straight before the #
#traumatriageteamtomorrow where we discuss
#g#giselepelicotnd her trsuma response seems to be to FIGHT. Remember our trauma responses are what keep us safe. They’re not to be demonized, as they did and do serve a valuable purpose. The idea is to be conscious of and take ownership over those trauma responses.