In 2018, my life looked good from the outside. I was working at a new gym. I was in great shape, disciplined, and people came to me for advice on their own health. But behind the scenes, my body was screaming for help, and I didn’t know it yet. This gym job pushed me to my limit. My mornings started at 2:45 a.m. because I believed I had to get my own workout in before dealing with anyone else. By 5 a.m., I was interacting with people, and my workdays didn’t end until 9 or 10 at night. I thought I could survive on just 3–4 hours of sleep because I was healthy and driven. But my body was telling me a different story. It started with constant bloating. At first, I thought it was food-related, so I cleaned up my diet even more. But nothing worked. Even drinking water made my stomach swell. It wasn’t until months into this job that I noticed a pattern, the bloating eased up on weekends and days when I got a little more sleep. That’s when it clicked. This wasn’t just food, it was stress. My schedule, lack of rest, and constant grind were wreaking havoc on my hormones. As time passed, the issues got worse. Foods I’d always been able to eat started giving me sharp pains and gas. It felt like my body was rejecting everything. Looking back, this was my first lesson in real health: being ‘fit’ and looking the part doesn’t mean you’re actually healthy. My hormones were out of balance, and my stress levels were through the roof. This realization changed how I saw health forever.
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