Kate from the PureWow team shares five expert-approved lower back stretches, courtesy of fitness pro and yoga instructor Natalia Perez-Segnini. Whether you’re looking to establish a routine, ward off body aches or soothe a flare-up, your body is no doubt begging for these. ⬇️ 1️⃣ Cat-Cow: Stretches the entire spine—lumbar (low back), thoracic (mid back) and cervical (neck)—through controlled spinal extension and flexion. 2️⃣ Thread the Needle: Targets the thoracic spine, which plays a big role in overall spinal health. 3️⃣ Knee-to-Chest: Helps to lengthen the hip flexors while mobilizing the hip joint and its surrounding muscles, which directly impact the lower back. 4️⃣ Seated Twist: Helps encourage spinal mobility and rotation. 5️⃣ Pelvic Tilt: All about lumbar extension and flexion, which connects to the pelvis through the sacrum.
#Wellness #Stretches #LowerBackStretches #Mobility #LowerBack #PainRelief