• • •Like a “readiness report card” for cervix! • Your doctor or midwife will do a cervical check to assess 5 things about your cervix to predict how well received an induction might be by your body: • 1️⃣ Dilation – How open is your cervix? (0-10 cm)
2️⃣ Effacement – How thin is your cervix?
3️⃣ Station – How low is your baby’s head in the pelvis?
4️⃣ Consistency – Is your cervix firm or soft like lips?
5️⃣ Position – Is your cervix pointing forward or back? • 👉🏽👉🏽Keep swiping and I’ve shared exactly what each category is looking at and how to calculate your own bishop score! • Something interesting to consider is that the higher your bishop score, the higher your chances of a successful induction—yes, but also the higher the chances you go into spontaneous labor. So if you are deciding on an elective induction, and get a high bishop score— you could consider waiting for labor to start on its own. Or, you can induce on your really ready cervix. • You can also use a bishop score to help in your decision making process if you need a medical induction. The bishop score can help you decide how to induce you (with what methods you’d do that)! One other place you may also consider a bishop score is if you are trying to decide on a membrane sweep as a form of labor encouragement! • 🔥HOT TIP🔥 when getting a bishop score, ask for the individual numbers (all five categories) so you can get an idea of what your cervix is doing in each category. It’s okay if you have to ask your provider how they scored each individual category— just know what they are or have them written down. •
A higher score = More ready for labor! • Want to dive deeper into how to use this data to have a positive induction? Download The Birth Lounge App to find the science behind the conversations you need to be having— bishop score, cervical checks, induction, pitocin, and more! •
#LaborPrep #BirthEducation #BishopScore #PositiveBirth #InformedChoices #PregnancyJourney