It’s great when someone wants to focus on single-ingredient foods. The carnivore diet promotes this in some ways by focusing on things like meat, fish, and eggs. However, if someone came up to me and told me they only eat steak for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I’d be like: “Okay… great… have a good life…” I’m not trying to be mean, but I do believe something is off about that person. The majority of your diet should be those single-ingredient foods like eggs, seafood, and olive oil but it’s highly unlikely that you will live your life without bread, pasta, rice, and tortillas ever again. And, this should go without saying, but you need to eat your fucking fruits and vegetables. Remember: there is no efficacy in a diet that you can’t sustain. The majority of the time I’m eating single-ingredient foods (not just steak) but tonight, I’m going out to dinner at @JejuNoodleBar with my wife. It’s a Korean noodle bar and I’m definitely going to enjoy the fried chicken, noodles, and probably a glass of wine. Carnivore is kinda on the right track. But eat your fucking broccoli, kids.
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