TYPICAL LEG DAY @ THE GYM πͺπ»π₯ Today I was focusing on building strength in my deadlift for my hamstrings & glutes as well as some unilateral work with Bulgarian Split Squats. Then finishing with power and plyometrics. I try and get 2-3 lower body workouts in a week because I will focus on working different muscles and training styles for strong & versatile legs. Depending on the gym that you go to, workouts can vary but your effort should always remain the same. I can pretty much workout anywhere these days, so I always find the functional areas of the gym to see what equipment they have and go from there. The Work: Warm Up Stairclimber 15-20 min *I like to start my workout with this because it warm my legs up, increase my internal body temperature, so I am ready for the workout. Set 1 Barbell Deadlifts 5x15,12,10,8, 6 Set 2 Bulgarian Split Squats 4x12,10,8,6 Set 3 Kettlebell Swings 4x10 Box Jumps 4x5 Set 4 (finisher) Barbell Walking Lunges 3x Sled Push & Drag 3x
#legs #legday #lowerbody #legworkout #equinox @Equinox