Do you ever have those days where clutter drives you up the wall? It triggers you to no end. You feel like your insides are crawling. Then you realize the reason for the clutter is from you. This usually happens from you running around going from task to task. Often times this is a sign you are dysregulated. When the world around you feels like it’s spinning. You can’t gain control or grasp the presence of life. Suddenly, the tornado stops, and realize what a mess the entire house is. Yup. I’ve been there. And frankly, it’s exhausting and miserable. Within this state of living, I found the yo-yo of life real. My highs felt fantastic. But my lows were big. Like big big. Meltdown big. Those meltdowns are there to support your nervous system. If you don’t learn to regulate your nervous system, your brain and body will do it. And it may not look pretty. If you are ready to get off the rollercoaster of highs and lows, ups and downs, triggers, frustrations, and snapping at the ones you love most, it’s time. It’s time to gift yourself AND your family the gift of sensory and emotional regulation. And where do you do that? With ME! My THRIVE Like a Parent LIVE group program is now open for enrollment and you still have a chance to sign up for 2025. Comment, THRIVE, if you are ready to get off the hamster wheel of life, and finally start THRIVING! XOXO Dr. B
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