Yearning for a fresh start, the impulse to run away, the inclination toward drastic life changes, or the instinct to build walls around oneself. Surprisingly, these reactions may stem from a trauma response—a hidden aspect of our psyche. A trauma response is a set of involuntary reactions and coping mechanisms that individuals develop in response to a traumatic experience. When faced with a threat or overwhelming situation, the body and mind can activate certain responses as a way to protect and survive. These responses can manifest in various ways, such as fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. For example, someone might develop a trauma response of avoidance, where they try to escape or avoid situations that trigger memories of the trauma. Others might exhibit a fight response, becoming defensive or confrontational in certain situations. Freezing involves feeling paralyzed or unable to act, while fawning is characterized by seeking to please others to avoid harm. Understanding trauma responses is crucial for individuals seeking healing, as it allows them to recognize and address these patterns. By understanding the roots of these urges, you empower yourself to navigate through the layers of your emotions and embark on a journey of profound self-discovery. Are you ready to break free from the patterns that no longer serve you and embrace a transformative journey towards self-compassion and resilience? If you want to learn more comment, I WANT MORE! And I will send you all the details for our THRIVE Like a Parent LIVE course. Xoxo Dr.B
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