Tactile sensitivity or hypersensitivity is an unusual or increased sensitivity to touch that makes the person feel peculiar, noxious, or even in pain. Tactile sensitivity can run from mild to severe. It is caused by the way the brain processes tactile input. For these individuals, touch makes the person feel overwhelmed and often leads to avoiding touch when possible. They may be sent into fight or flight over very small, everyday touch sensations. Signs you have tactic or sensitivity: 🌟 You dislike clothing, shoes, hats, mittens. 🌟 You hate to have their hair combed, washed, or cut. 🌟 Do not want to touch many things because it feels unpleasant. You rush to wash or wipe your hands. 🌟 Some toddlers refuse to be held or touched. 🌟 Others are unable to tolerate the sensation of food in the mouth or food or a tooth brush touching their teeth. 🌟 You feel pain because of the feel of the wind on your skin or sand and grass on your feet. 🌟 Tickling can be intolerable. 🌟 Soft light touch drives you up the wall I know this all may affect your life. It may feel wildly uncomfortable. But we can change that. If this is you and you want to learn more about how to support your nervous system, so you don’t ramp into fight or flight from a simple back tickle, comment I WANT MORE, and I will DM you to see if our THRIVE like a Parent live course is right for you!!! XOXO Dr.B
#tactilesensitivity #sensory #sensoryregulation