Did you know that the position of your knees during labor can make a difference in your baby’s descent? 🤰🏼 Laboring with your knees rotated inward (think: knees close together, feet wider apart) helps to open the pelvic outlet, creating more space for your baby to move down. 👇🏼 This position can be especially helpful during the pushing stage, as it encourages optimal alignment and eases pressure on the lower back.🙌🏼 Whether you’re laboring on hands and knees, squatting, or sitting upright, small adjustments like this can work wonders. Be sure to talk to your birth team or doula about trying this technique to support a smoother delivery. Every body is different, so finding what feels right for you is key! 💪✨ Comment PUSH PREP if you want to learn about more positions that optimize your birth & more!
#labortips #birthpositions #empoweredbirth #birthprep #pelvicfloor