When our foundation (the pelvic floor) is not working optimally we may experience bothersome symptoms like bladder leaks, sudden urges, back pain and feelings of heaviness or pressure in the pelvis. Many women think these symptoms are just a normal part of aging and accept pads or discomfort as just part of life. Few are given the information and education and exercise that can actually improve and sometimes even eliminate these symptoms. Optimzing the foundation can also reduce our fall risk as we age, help off set age related muscle loss, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease because when we don't leak or have pain or feel pressure, we move more, we enjoy exercise and live life fully. When I ask women in my community what their 'why' is or their 'so that I can....' statement is, one of the most common responses is ...'so that I can play with my grandchildren without worry.' I want that for myself and for all of you. Let's age powerfully together! Let's buff our muffs together! Come join us www.buffmuff.com!
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