I can already see it, a lot of you are gonna say "you look fine in the pic on the left". But NOPE I felt awful, was hungover most days, had crazy high blood pressure, hormones were all out of wack (350 test compared to 945 now) and mentally was a hot mess. But sure I "looked fine". Pic on the left was about 6 years ago, the right was last week. What changed? Well for one I quit drinking (game changer for your health btw). Secondly I picked up some kettlebells. "But you can't build muscle with kettlebells" LOL. Ok, sure. Not only did I build more muscle but I improved my mobility, endurance, strength, and overall well being. Something about training outside in the sun vs in a gym, moving your body in ways you never have, learning to use your body as a unit, and actually enjoying your training does wonders for your consistency. And that's what counts. But don't take it from me, DO IT yourself and see. You got one life, take care of yourself, IT MATTERS. YOU MATTER, your mental health, physical health, all of it matters. Do it for you, forget what anyone else says, it's not their life, it's YOURS. I don't care what anyone says, alcohol is not good for you, you know what is... movement. So start the trend now, replace your bad habits with good ones and guarantee yourself a better life. ✌️
#fitlife #sobriety #sober #soberlife #fitover40 #functionaltraining #fitlifestyle #kettlebellworkout